Sunday, May 25, 2008

Advanced Mountain Bike Skills Clinic

The Advanced Skills Mountain Bike Clinic for Women brought hoots, hollers, and cheers to Alafia State Park, Saturday May 24. Eleven women participated in the clinic led by Shelly Allen and Barbara Perigard Shircliffe. The Clinic was sponsored by Florida Women’s Cycling Network, SWAMP, and Bent’s Cycling and Fitness (Lakeland, Florida). Bent’s provided great swag to all of the participants. Thanks Bent’s for supporting women’s cycling.

The morning began with a skills demonstration by Shelly Allen, including practice on track stands, cornering techinques, and a granny gear race in which the slowest rider wins.

After learning the importance of balance and body position for technical riding, we hit the trails for on-the-bike instruction focused on cornering, climbing, descending and some secret tricks to make those difficult trails much easier.

(Shelly demonstrates climbing techniques)

(Adriana poses while Debbie tackles a difficult climb which she made with style!)

After the High-Fives were over, everyone was looking forward to their next ride. Asunta Finnegan, one of the participants, later commented: “It’s so great to get a group of women together for things like that! Very empowering and educational!”

Please let us know if you are interested in attending an Advanced Skills Mountain Bike Clinic for Women. We plan to offer the clinic again this year.


EL SandPine said...

Great job with the clinic. I ride with a few of the participants of that class. At least one of them, is now riding more confident and kicking my arse on all the climbs. I very happy for her to see her more confident and ready to ride with our normal group and display her new learned techniques.

Susan Thompson said...

I am very interested in another clinic. I just missed this one in May and found out about it too late. I am trying to network with other mountain biking women so I can find communities in Florida. I moved here not too long ago and miss my mountain biking friends!